Chapter History

Mary Hammond Washington was the daughter of Samuel Hammond, a most distinguished Revolutionary War soldier, patriot, and statesman. She married James Henry Russell Washington, a prominent Macon planter, banker, mayor, postmaster, and legislator. She was the first “Real Daughter” to join the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution when it was organized in October 1890, and was among the Society's first 100 members. In September 1891, she was appointed the “Organizing Regent” at Macon, but on account of her ill health, the organization was delayed until October 30, 1893. She served the Chapter eleven years as Regent, until her death in 1901. A handsome bust of Mrs. Washington was placed by the National Society in Continental Hall in Washington, D.C.

Ellen Washington, daughter of Mary Hammond Washington, was a charter member of her mother’s chapter. She married Major Burton W. Bellamy, a member of the General Assembly and wealthy planter. On December 29, 1916, Ellen Washington Bellamy gave the City of Macon a tract of land and $50,000 for the construction of a library in memory of her older brother, Hugh Vernon Washington, a lawyer who had died at her home at the age of 50. The library, which we know today as the Washington Memorial Library, stands on the tract of land which was the site of the Washington family home.